the safety net below you, is your biggest danger to growth

This week I packed up everything that I own, said goodbye to the people I love

and hopped on a plane bound for Indonesia to realise a dream that i've held since a child.

On the surface, I could say that dream is to travel the world as a nomad

and to reach time and financial freedom while doing what I love.

That is, to experience life from thousands of unique perspectives, in an attempt to understand what it truly means to be human.

But what truly led me to resign from the home I love and income I so depended on,

was a feeling that somewhere out in the world was an imprint, unique to my soul that called to be created.

The world calls for change and I believe each of us have a role to play in its transformation.

If you share this feeling, you will understand the tradeoff made by playing it safe.

Self compromise, induced by a fear of the unknown.

You cannot live an ordinary existence, if you are committed to an extraordinary life.

Starting something new or going after what you really want in life can be extremely different.

To truly change one's life, requires us to transform both our inner and outer worlds.

For every challenge we may face as we navigate the obstacles of this world,

there is equal amount of challenge in transforming our inner environment. Our fears, anxieties and beliefs.

To get something you’ve have never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.
— Thomas Jefferson

The great unknown. For some, myself included, can be one of the most intimidating obstacles to overcome.

Transformation begins, not through the elusion of but the integration of our fears.

Fear is powerful thing. It can paralyse us on our journey and force us to remain where we no longer belong.

But with conscious awareness, we can learn to channel it.

We can learn to become the alchemist. To use this energy as a driving force towards our goals.

You see fear, like every emotion is just an indication for action. The body's cue to find a safer environment.

Understanding the way we are innately wired with awareness and self compassion,

can allow us to observe fear with objective awareness and decide consciously, how to move forward.

As human beings we tend to lean towards familiarity. This serves its purpose, it keeps us safe.

But it also holds us in a place where we are not challenged to realise our greatest potential.

Life changes radically, when you realise that fear is the doorway to growth.

If you truly wish for growth, discover your fears and wander the edges.

Recognise how fear feels within your body and allow it to become an indicator for growth.

Our ancestors understood one thing thing. Trekking from the continent of Africa and into Eurasia,

they understood that our survival is directly dependant on our willingness to venture into the unknown.

If they hadn't done so, you would not be here to read these words and I would not be here to write them.

In our humanness, it's easy to forget our place in the cosmos.

If the universe is collective consciousness, then we are the manifestations of its expansion.

Physicists note that the universe becomes more complex as it expands.

What if our existence as human beings was the complex outer edges of that expansion.

Consider this as the reason, you are driven to expand your awareness and understanding of life.

The unknown is our inevitable future. Accept the nature of what you are and become who you are meant to be.

Embracing the unknown and deciding to move towards your vision for a better future,

cannot come without the surrender of your current environment.

Sometimes you have to let go of what is, to make space for what could be.

Understand there is no separation of inner and world. This is the law of the universe, as above so below.

You want change because you feel discomfort. But your comfort will not arrive until you embrace change.

If you truly want to change your life, begin by transforming your environment.. your lifestyle, relationships and habits.

Become aware of the things holding you where you are. Become aware of the comfortability you refuse to let go of.

The safety net below you, is your biggest danger to growth

if you fear failure, get out in the world and begin making mistakes

if you fear being alone, move to another country and be forced to make new friends

if you fear you won't make enough money, remove your income and observe your will to survive.

I was once in a bar in Burleigh, on the Gold Coast of Australia.

I'd just moved to the Gold Coast with my best mate and my brother. Man, it felt like we'd reached the promise land.

We were out having a good time, celebrating our new lives and while I was at the bar, I got chatting with a guy.

He told me of his life experiences and about how one quote changed his life.

If you want to take the island, you’ve gotta burn the boat.

I never saw that dude again, but his words stayed with me.

To burn the boat, is to eliminate the possibility of ever returning to the life you once had.

This is the single biggest decision you have to make in order to begin. No one else can make it for you.

Let this quote and its drunk messenger, help you to understand that you cannot enter the doorway of your new life with a foot still in the last.

Release your grip on life and let the tides carry you to where you need to go.

Know, that you are carried.

Have you ever looked back on a decision and wondered how different life would be if you turned the other way?

The theory of multiple timelines suggests that every action taken creates a new timeline, resulting in a multiverse of parallel universes.

Assuming this is true, who's to say the alternate life you hold in your minds eye, does not exist for you right now?

Let the vision of this alternate life, be assurance that the life you hope to create, already exists for you.

Through desire, this life gravitates towards us

and through fear, it remains out of reach.

Realise that the future you hope to achieve, is simply a matter of alignment.

By becoming aware of the space between your two lives, you have the opportunity to finally close it.

The opportunity to move towards your highest potential.

The opportunity to shift timelines.

The problem stems from a lack of consciousness.

When we begin our journey, we are unaware of the systems, habits and beliefs influencing our potential.

When you 'burn the boat' and commit to move wholeheartedly in a new direction, you become extremely aware of your environment.

You begin to say no to anything that doesn't contribute to your overall health and vision for a better life.

Within your outer world these could be:

  • partying every weekend

  • eating shit food

  • assuming others know what's best for you

within your inner world these could be:

  • excessive stress

  • negative self-talk

  • attachment to past identity

It's vital that you optimise your inner and outer environment, so that it aligns with your vision for a new life.

those that want peace, have to be as organised as those who want war
— Theodore Rosevelt

This is not a game of chance.

The universe is karma. An infinite flow of cause and effect.

Karma is a concept rooted in ancient Hindi philosophy and is described as the cosmic balance sheet.

It suggests that our actions hold energy which ripples outward, impacting the intricate tapestry of existence.

This is known in science as causality or the universal law of cause and effect.

Understanding that the fabric of our existence and the circumstances of our lives are caused by action,

not only gifts us the power to sew a new reality, but it teaches us that all things in nature have purpose.

Observe nature as it surrounds you and realise that nothing exists without purpose. Nothing is wasted.

To be human, is to be a part of the fabric of existence.

Meaning, that you are here for a reason.

I experienced this for myself, through the study of Vipassana.

For those that don't know, Vipassana is a form of meditation that stems from ancient buddhist tradition.

Vipassana teaches a process of mental purification through self-observation.

Described by many, as surgery of the unconscious mind.

Vipassana offers an understanding to the nature of reality, part of which is the law of cause and effect.

The world, ourselves included is made up of energy and matter. You are formed from the same substance as the stars and the sea.

Whether you arrive at this discovery through science or spirituality, the answer remains the same. There is no separation.

I realised for the first time that my presence on earth by nature, has purpose. As does yours.

If your heart beats and oxygen fills your lungs, then you are alive for a reason.

It is up to you to find out why.

When you commit to living more consciously, you begin to feel more present within your life.

You no longer feel on auto-pilot, watching the days turn to weeks. You begin to feel excited to wake up tomorrow.

You stop believing that you are a victim of the world and begin to see your life circumstances as opportunities for growth.

You learn to listen to the language of the universe. To the subtle signs and synchronicities within your life.

You learn to trust your intuition and cultivate a deeper connection to all things.

You no longer feel that you're dampening your spirit, compromising on what you really want out of life.

Because you know you are living in your fullest expression and moving towards your highest potential.

You no longer feel you should be anywhere other than where you are, in this moment. Now.

Close the gap on your timelines and draw your energy back into this life.

The path forward?

Become aware of which of these ideas you connected to and which solutions offered you hope.

Visualise your highest potential, see that reality with clarity.

Become aware of the space in between. Of the things in your life that don’t support this future.

Surrender what no longer serves you in order to allow new life to enter.

Embrace the unknown.

Take action. Not only because you deserve to live a life of fulfilment, but for the infinite souls you will go on to inspire through the ripple of your actions.

You exist for a reason.

Dare to find out why.

For 1:1 guidance and a clear pathway to redesign your life:



the value of failure